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Other Activities

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Vacation Bible School

Our VBS program for 2023 is June 12-15 from 9:30 AM to 12:00 PM each day. We invite all children ages 4 years old through 5th grade. There will be fun activities while studying of God's Word!

Sunday Evening Hymn Sing

Our hymn sing and potluck fellowship meal is on the fourth Sunday of each month following the evening service. Those who play a string or brass instrument are welcome to share their musical talents with our mini orchestra. All members and guests are welcome to join us for a time of fun, fellowship, and praising God with our musical talents and voices.

Fun and Fellowship

Meets for various fun activities about once a month throughout the year as announced. Designed to be an enjoyable way to get to know members of all ages in our church family.

Fund Raising Dinners

Don't feel like cooking dinner? Join us for a delicious meal at our fund raising dinners, as announced, where donations go to the youth group, Cadets, or Kingdom Seekers, depending the group running the dinner.

Softball Team

Our softball team plays May through August.

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